Bringing normalcy of doshas by eliminating the vitiated dosas from the body with the help of the five therapeutic procedures can be called as Pahcakarma or shodhana therapy.

Following five treatments are included in panchkarma.

  1. Vamana karma (emesis) 
  2. Virecana karma (purgation) 
  3. Basti  (Medicated enema)
  4. Nasya 
  5. Raktamokshan
    Other karma

Properly administered panchkarma will give —

  1. Healthy person do panchkarma yearly, he will nirogi, dirghyayushi
  2. Reduces stress
  3. In future diseases like hypertension, diabetes, carcinoma should be avoided.
  4. Useful for healthy baby
  5. Reduces excessive fat, laziness.
  6. Lucidity of the mind, 
  7. Strengthens the sense organs, 
  8. Gives stability to the tissues, 
  9. Improves digestive power, 
  10. Reduces ageing etc.

Pre-operative procedures – 

Before proceeding to the purificatory measures, pre-operative procedures like oleation and svedan should be conducted to bring back the vitiated dohsas from shakhas (periphery) to kostha (central part of the body). Without conducting these preoperative techniques, the vitiated doshas cannot reach the central part of the body. Hence it is very much essential to conduct the pre-operative procedures prior to perform Pahcakarma treatments.

Snehan (Oleation) – Literally sneha means oleate or to make smooth. The process of producing unctuousness, fluidity, softness and smoothness in the body is known as oleation.

We do it by external application of oil to whole body

Internally by consumption of ghee or oil (Sneha is selected according to disease).

Svedan (Steam therapy) – The process which relieves stiffness, heaviness, coldness and which induces sweating is known as sveda-karma.

Post-operative procedures –

After panchkarma patient should follow some rules and also special diet.

After shodhana therapy body becomes weak, and the digestive power also gets diminished. For the restoration of digestive power by means of advocating a specific regimen of diet is advised.