In present era peoples have no time to exercise and have to work late night causing late night sleep & late mornings, and are eating easy and anywhere available foods at any time. Increased work pressure, work completion deadlines increases their stress levels. This lifestyle affects physical and mental health of human beings. So, we also advise suryanamaskar, asana, pranayama, meditaton according to their problems.

Suryanamaskar –

The stretching art of Suryanamaskar helps in proper blood circulation throughout body, improvises cardiovascular health, enhances digestive health and strengthens respiratory system.

We advise and teach to do Suryanamaskar.

Asana  –

Asanas are yoga poses that stretch and strengthen the physical body. e.g.Shavasana is useful to relax physically and mentally, Padmasana is useful to treat digestive disorders, Pavanamuktasana strengthens abdominal muscles.

We advise to do asana according to disease.

Pranayama – 

The breath and the mind are interconnected.

Deep, rhythmic, breathing will energize & calm the mind and body. Rapid, irregular, and strained breathing produces a chaotic and disturbed mind. A calm mind will give you the mental space to make better decisions and a life in which you take control instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances. We advise and teach to do pranayama in anxiety, stress, depression.


It is the best way to promote emotional health, to reduce stress, anxiety, to enhance self aeareness.