We treat mainly following diseases.

Improve Immunity

Common symptoms of weak immune system

  • Fatigue
  • Frequent Infections
  • Allergies
  • Injuries that are slow to heal
  • Digestive problems
  • Anemia
  • Joint Pain

Causes of weak immunity

  • Lack of exercise
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Smoking & alcohol consumption
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Immunity reduced in some diseases
  • Low immunity since birth

Treatment –

Following measures of treatments are used as per necessary

  • Follow dincharya & rutucharya
  • Yoga (Suryanamaskar, Asana, Pranyam, meditation)
  • Panchkarma
  • Rasayan Chikitsa
  • Medicines

Low weight

Persons eligible for nourishing therapy:

  • During convalescence period.
  • Become weak due to the treatments.
  • Carrying heavy loads, long walks, injury to chest.
  • Thin and debilitated.
  • Suffering with vata disorders.
  • Pregnant, postnatal period, children, aged and everybody during summer.

Line of treatment – We use following way of treatment  according to requirements

  • Medicine treatment
  • Oil Massage, Shirodhara
  • Matra Basti
  • Diet guidance
  • Rasayan chikitsa
  • Exercise & Yoga
  • Dincharya & Rutucharya

Obesity/Weight loss

A condition characterised by abnormal or excessive fat accumulation.

Signs and symptoms of obesity

  • Excessive thirst, hunger and sweating.
  • Dyspnoea on exertion.
  • Excessive sleep.
  • Unable to do minimum physical exercises.
  • Lassitude-decreased life-span, strength and vigor.
  • Foul smell of the body.
  • Increase of fatty tissue.
  • Accumulation of fat in the regions of abdomen, buttocks and thighs etc.

Causes of obesity

  • Lifestyle change: Better social and economic environment has changed the lifestyle of people. Overeating and overindulgence in wrong foods (fatty food) has led to obesity.
  • Lack of exercise
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Hereditary

Line of treatment – We use following way of treatment  according to requirements

  • Medicine treatment
  • Panchkarma
  • Diet  guidance
  • Exercise & yoga
  • Dincharya & Rutucharya


Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age.


Treatments vary depending on the type of arthritis. We use following treatments as per requirements

  • Medicine treatment
  • Oil massage
  • Pottali Massage
  • Swedan
  • Basti
  • Janubasti (in knee joint involvement)
  • Raktmokshan
  • Agnikarma


Spondylitis is one of the most common causes of back and neck pain, and results from inflammation of the vertebral joints.

Types of spondylitis include cervical spondylitis, which affects the cervical spine, causing pain to spread to the back of the neck; lumbar spondylitis, which causes pain in the lumbar region.


Treatments vary depending on the type of Spondylitis. We use following treatments as per requirements

  • Medicine treatment
  • Oil massage
  • Pottali Massage
  • Swedan
  • Basti – Shodhan basti, Tiktakshir basti as per requirements
  • Manyabasti, katibasti, Spinal basti (as per requirement)
  • Raktmokshan
  • Agnikarma

Skin diseases

Various skin diseases like acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergy, rashes, dry skin are treated by

  • Raktashodhak medication
  • External application
  • Special Panchkarma – Vaman, Virechan, krumighn basti, Raktamokshan,
  • Shirodhara
  • Diet guidance
  • Yoga

Digestion disorders

Constipation, Indigestion, Flatulence, Chronic diarrhoea, Abdominal pain, Hyperacidity, Nausea & Vomiting, Hiccups, foul breath, Haemorrhoids, Anal Fissure occurs because of

  • Fasting,
  • Overeating
  • Eating during indigestion,
  • Irregular eating,
  • Intake of unsuitable, heavy, cold, too rough and contaminated food,
  • Regular consumption of readymade food which contain high levels of preservatives and additives like pizzas, white bread, most packed fruit juices, sweetened breakfast cereals, pastries, cookies, and cakes, french fries and potato chips, ice cream, over eating dairy products, candy bars, processed meat, processed cheese, most fast food meals, high-calorie coffee drinks, anything with added sugar or refined grains, most highly processed food
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Loss of exercise
  • Stress


  • Medicine treatment
  • Diet guidance
  • Dincharya & rutucharya
  • Exercise & Yoga
  • Panchkarma 


Depending upon causes of infertility we can treat infertility by

  • Medicine treatment
  • Panchkarma
  • Uttarbasti
  • Diet guidance
  • Exercise & yoga
  • Dincharya & Rutucharya

Menstrual disorders

We treat menstrual disorders like irregular menses, PCOD, dysmenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, white discharge, by

  • Medicine treatment
  • Basti
  • Uttarbasti