Administration of the drug through nostrils is known as nasya.

Healthy persons are advisible to do nasya daily.

Nose is the gateway of the head. The drug administered through the nostrils, spreads to the whole of the interior of the head, the channels of eyes, ears, throat and cures all most all diseases of the head.

Benefits of Nasya

  • Keeps the shoulders, neck and chest strong.
  • Voice becomes sweet.
  • Mouth becomes fresh and free from foul smell.
  • All the sense organs become clear and strengthy.
  • Skin becomes wrinkle free.
  • Hair never becomes grey.
  • Skin, shoulder, neck, chest become thick, well developed and bright.
  • Sense organs become strong and well functioned.
  • Hair doesn’ t become gray, if takes nasal administration regularly.

Virechana Nasya

It is indicated in diseases affecting the parts of the body above the shoulders such as headache, stiffness of the neck, conjunctivitis, swelling, enlargement of glands, rash and other skin diseases, epilepsy, coryza and the diseases originated due to the vitiation of kapha.

Bruhan Nasya

Bruhan nasya is indicated in migraine, hemicrania, dryness of the nose and mouth, unable to talk, and the diseases originated due to the vitiation of vata.

Shaman Nasya

Shamana nasya is indicated in premature wrinkles on the skin, graying of hair and baldness, reddish striae in the eyes etc.