Food and drinks produce energy in mind, constitution of dhatus, strength, complexion and clarity of sense organs, if properly taken, otherwise they become harmful.

Nowadays food habits, food contents, life style are changing very rapidly which are causative factor for indigestion and persistence of the same factor produces diseases.

One should take food in proper quantity according to digestion capacity. The food taken in proper quantity provides certainly strength, complexion and happy life to the person without disturbing normalcy.

Not only quantity of food alone is responsible for vitiation of agni (digestive fire) but also the use of food and drinks which are heavy, rough, cold, dry, disliked, distending, burning, unclean, antagonistic and taken untimely and also while afflicted with psychic emotions such as passion, anger, greed, confusion, envy, bashfulness, grief, conceit, excitement and fear.

Agni (Digestive fire) is deranged by fasting, eating during indigestion, overeating, irregular eating, intake of unsuitable, heavy, cold, too rough and contaminated food, faulty adaptation to place, time and season and suppression of natural urges. Agni thus deranged becomes unable to digest even the light food and food being undigested gets acidified and toxic.

So, we also guide about diet.